3MN: the joy of missing out, how to not know everything, and three principles on patience.

3MN: the joy of missing out, how to not know everything, and three principles on patience.

Happy 3-Minute Thursday!

You are busy, so let's make this quick. No fluff, no filler, no spamming. Just three minutes each week could change everything.

Minute 1 - A refreshing take on missing out.

JOMO: joy of missing out.

It's something I'm workshopping right now. Why does missing out always have to be a bad thing? Taking a break from the constant stream of information and stimulation in our lives is actually a good thing. JOMO reminds me that I don't have to say yes to everything and that it's okay to put my well-being and the things that really matter to me first.

Minute 2 - How to not know everything.

Scientist and systems engineer, Donella Meadows, on intellectual humility and learning from others:

"Remember, always, that everything you know, and everything everyone knows, is only a model. Get your model out there where it can be viewed. Invite others to challenge your assumptions and add their own."

I am learning to recognize that I don't know everything and that I need to be open to other points of view. This quote encourages me to talk about how I see the world, listen to constructive criticism, and always try to understand better.

Minute 3 - The three principles of patience.

In our fast-paced world, it can be hard to find people with patience. There are three principles of patience that have survived the test of time and offer a valuable perspective on how to approach challenges in life.

1) Develop a taste for having problems. This encourages us to reframe our relationship with problems, seeing them not as obstacles to be avoided, but as opportunities for growth and learning.

How can we learn to be more patient by changing how we think about problems and accepting small steps forward?

2) Embrace radical incrementalism. This emphasizes the importance of taking small, incremental steps towards our goals, recognizing that real progress often happens gradually over time.

How can we be more original if we work within established frameworks and build on ideas that have already been thought of?

3) Originality lies on the far side of unoriginality. This reminds us that true creativity often emerges from working within established frameworks and building upon existing ideas.

How can we use the principles of patience in our everyday lives to feel more purposeful and happy?

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Until next week,

Payton Minzenmayer

p.s. Can money actually buy happiness?