3MN: any attempt at action is better than inaction.

3MN: any attempt at action is better than inaction.

Happy 3-Minute Thursday!

You are busy, so let's make this quick. No fluff, no filler, no spamming. Just three minutes each week to help you think critically and focus on what matters most.

🌎 Minute 1 - D-Day, World War II, and the forgotten heroes.

In honor of the 79th anniversary of D-Day (Tuesday, 6th), we pay tribute to the brave World War II veterans who selflessly fought for freedom. This milestone reminds us of the sacrifices made by countless individuals to protect the values we hold dear. Recently, National Geographic's new show, A Small Light, recounted the inspiring story of the family that sheltered Anne Frank and her loved ones. This serves as a poignant reminder that many ordinary people risked their lives to save others during the war. As you reflect on the heroism displayed on D-Day, find a veteran this weekend and thank them.

An upstander is a person who takes action to help others who are being persecuted by someone more powerful. The characteristics of an upstander resemble those of a Christian. 

πŸ’¬ Minute 2 - A quote from a silent hero.

Miep Gies was a hero for the people hiding in the Secret Annex. After the arrest, she kept Anne's writings in a drawer of her desk. In 2010 she died, one hundred years old:

β€œBut even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room.”

Despite being non-Jewish and facing personal danger, Gies believed it was her human duty to help those in trouble. She hid them, negotiated with Nazis, and although unable to prevent their capture, retrieved Anne's notebooks.

Gies' courageous actions ensured the world would know Anne's story. As Christians, her selflessness aligns with Jesus' teachings on love and compassion. Her example challenges us to uphold integrity, take risks, and extend a helping hand to those in need, mirroring Christ's sacrificial love.

πŸ₯¦ Minute 3 - What is our human duty as Christians in a world filled with darkness and suffering?

As I am reflecting on D-Day, World War II, and the courage of Miep Gies and countless others, it's reminding me of my duty as a human and a Christian.

πŸ‘‰ Here are some thoughts . . .

  • Embracing our Divine Calling: As Christians, we are called to see that our role as people goes beyond just doing what we have to. It is a holy call to live in a way that shows what God is like. We are asked to go beyond the usual and do something to bring light, hope, and love to a world that is full of darkness.
  • Cultivating Compassion and Sacrificial Love: As people, it's our responsibility to develop hearts of kindness and selfless love, just like Christ did. It asks us to get out of our comfort zones and help those who are left out, mistreated, or in need. Through these acts of kindness, we show the world how God's love can change things and bring healing to a broken world.
  • Shining as Beacons of Light: As people who carry Christ's light, it's our job to be bold and honest about our faith. We are asked to stand up to wrongdoing, defend the truth, and fight back against hate and division. By being real examples of God's love, we become lights of hope and encourage others to join us in bringing light to the darkest parts of our society.
What are you doing in your life to be a small light in a dark world? I want to hear from you. Send your reflections or thoughts by simply replying to this email.


T K W R, 'T I T Y, W Y D F O O T L O T B A S O M, Y D F M.'

β€œThe King will reply, β€˜Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

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Until next week,

Payton Minzenmayer

p.s. check out these new ski goggles.