The Humble Path: Practical Ways to Cultivate Humility.

The Humble Path: Practical Ways to Cultivate Humility.

A renowned English writer, philosopher, and art critic, John Ruskin, once said, "I believe that the first test of a great man is his humility."

This quote raises an essential question: what is humility, and why is it so crucial for great men and women?

I'll tell you one reason. Because we live in a society driven by polarized, political jerks. It's all too easy to become entrenched in our beliefs and dismiss those with different views. This can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding and a breakdown in communication and cooperation.

Watch a mere 5 minutes of the upcoming presidential debates and humility will not be on your mind. That's because humility is often misunderstood as a weakness, a lack of confidence, or even a form of self-abasement. A misguided reality.

Humility is not about belittling oneself or doubting one's abilities. Instead, humility is about seeing oneself and God rightly from a balanced and honest perspective.

In his quote, Ruskin explains that truly great people have a curious feeling that their greatness is not of them but through them. They recognize that their abilities and achievements are gifts from God, and they do not take them for granted. This recognition helps them stay grounded and humble, even in the face of success and fame.

Moreover, Ruskin notes that great people see something divine in every other person. They recognize that everyone has something unique and valuable to offer, and they treat others with endless mercy and compassion. This attitude of humility and respect creates a culture of inclusivity, kindness, and empathy that uplifts everyone.

So, what is humility?

Humility is not lacking in boldness or courage. On the contrary, it takes great courage to admit one's limitations and mistakes and to learn from others. Without the impediments of pride or arrogance, humility enables us to develop, improve, and become the best versions of ourselves.

Humily Begins Here

Let People Tell You How They Really Feel

Asking for input from others can be a great way to practice humility. It takes humility to acknowledge that we don't have all the answers and that we can learn from the perspectives and experiences of others. Seek feedback from people who are different from you and have different views on life. Listen carefully to their feedback and try to learn from it.

  • Ask questions and actively listen.
  • Seek out diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Be open-minded and non-judgmental.
  • Show gratitude and appreciation for the feedback received.
  • Use the feedback to improve and make meaningful changes.
  • Continuously seek out feedback from diverse sources.

Make Thanks A Lifestyle

Practicing gratitude can help cultivate a sense of humility by reminding us of the many blessings we have in life. This can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal or taking a few minutes each day to think about the things that went well. Take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for.

  • Expressing gratitude can increase one's awareness of the contributions of others and decrease one's focus on oneself.
  • By recognizing the good in others and acknowledging their role in our lives, we become more humble and less self-centered.
  • Gratitude helps us cultivate a sense of interconnectedness and recognize that we depend on one another.
  • When we express gratitude, we acknowledge that we have been given something rather than feeling entitled to it, a hallmark of humility.
  • Practicing gratitude can help us develop a more positive and appreciative attitude, which can enhance our humility and deepen our relationships with others.

Help More Friends Move Furniture

Serving others is another powerful way to practice humility. Getting caught up in our lives and problems is easy, but taking the time to help others can help us see things differently. Look for ways to serve those around you, whether by volunteering at a local charity or helping a neighbor with yard work.

  • Offer to help a neighbor with yard work or house repairs.
  • Check in on elderly or sick people and see if they need assistance or company.
  • Buy a meal or coffee for a homeless person.
  • Donate clothes or household items to a local shelter or charity.
  • Volunteer at a community center, hospital, or animal shelter.
  • Tutor or mentor a student or someone in need of guidance.
  • Offer to babysit for a single parent or busy family.
  • Pay for someone's parking meter or toll.
  • Hold the door open for someone, help them carry something heavy, or offer to give them a ride.
  • Give someone a genuine compliment or word of encouragement.

In conclusion, humility is not only a virtue but also the first test of greatness. Truly great men and women are not defined by their power, status, or wealth but by their humility and their ability to recognize the divinity in themselves and others.