11 Weird Things Anxiety Makes You Do

11 Weird Things Anxiety Makes You Do

If you have anxiety, you understand how tough it can be to manage with the continual worrying and fear that comes with it. You may not understand that anxiety can cause certain odd behaviors that may appear weird to people who aren't affected by it. In this article, we'll look at 11 strange behaviors that your worry may be causing you to do and provide some advice on how to deal with them.

#1 You always think the worst, no matter what.

Catastrophizing, or continuously picturing the worst potential conclusion in every circumstance, is one of the most typical symptoms of anxiety. This might lead to you avoiding chances, doubting your talents, and worrying excessively about the future.

For example, let's say you're worried about an upcoming job interview. You might start to think of the worst possible things that could happen at the interview. You might be worried that you'll forget all the answers, say something stupid, or look like you're not prepared for the job. These thoughts can make your worry go through the roof and make it hard to stay in the present.

Positive thinking is a key strategy for managing anxiety. You can lessen your anxiety and enhance your general well-being by learning to focus on the good parts of a situation rather than the bad.

When you're fighting with negative ideas, remember this mantra: "If a thought is not true, helpful, or kind, it needs to be thrown away."

Try to rephrase these negative beliefs into more positive ones to fight them. Instead of worrying about all the ways the interview may go wrong, concentrate on the things you can control. Remind yourself of your talents and strengths, and see yourself succeeding in the interview. You might also attempt affirmations like "I am confident and capable" or "I have everything I need to succeed."

#2 You overthink the smallest things.

Anxiety is often the result of overthinking and stressing over little issues. It's easy to become lost in your thoughts and obsessed on minor details that don't actually matter in the great scheme of things. For example, you may spend waaaaayyy too long agonizing over whether or not to insert a period at the end of a header (me with this section) , and feel incredibly worried and stressed out as a result.

How do I stop this anxious impulse? I simply consider if this particular detail will be relevant a year from now. If the answer is no, I have learned (over time) to let it go and move on to more pressing matters.

In my serious moments, we need to settle our brain before rationality sinks in. Some people recommend meditation and deep breathing exercises and the likes. I don't know about you, but I don't carry a yoga mat everywhere I go. Luckily, you can do focused breathing nearly anywhere. Take calm, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, and let your ideas pass through your mind without judgment.

Overthinking and worrying over little issues is a frequent battle, so be gentle and patient with yourself as you strive to manage these habits. Focus on what is truly important in your life and let go of what doesn't.

#3 Even when you're really tired, it's hard for you to fall asleep.

One of the most difficult symptoms of anxiety is trouble falling asleep, regardless of how tired you might be. This can create a vicious cycle of worry and sleep deprivation, making it more difficult to control your symptoms. To stop the pattern, it is critical to develop healthy sleeping habits and a pleasant nighttime routine.

The first step in a good nighttime routine is likely the hardest. I call it, putting my phone to bed. Just like with my children, I need time away from my phone at the end of the day to decompress and prepare myself for tomorrow. You do too.

Furthermore, developing a nighttime ritual can assist in signaling to your body that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Before going to bed, you may, for example, take a warm bath, read a book, or listen to soothing music. This can help to quiet your mind and lessen worry, making it easier to fall and remain asleep all night.

โ€œHappiness is waking up, looking at the clock and finding that you still have two hours left to sleep.โ€ โ€” Charles M. Schulz, American Cartoonist

Another critical part of a good sleep environment is avoiding distractions and providing a pleasant sleeping space. This might involve utilizing blackout curtains to block out light, purchasing a comfy mattress and pillows, and keeping the room cold and clean. These characteristics can lead to more restful and refreshing sleep.

Prioritize your sleep, whether by placing your phone in another room or practicing relaxation methods before bed. You don't have to change everything overnight (dad joke), but it's worth giving something new a try if you want different results.

#4 You reject invitation to go out, even when you actually want to go.

It's normal for people with social anxiety to feel bad about declining invites, especially when they really want to get out and meet new people or try new things. here are a couple things I have done to help.

Accepting invites to smaller, more personal parties ๐ŸŽ‰ with individuals you feel comfortable around is one practical step. You may, for example, host a movie night with close friends or attend a small board game night โ™Ÿ๏ธ. Start with people you know and trust and build it out from there.

Another strategy is to confront unpleasant ideas related to social anxiety. We talked about this above ๐Ÿ‘† This might include identifying and challenging the ideas that are holding you back. For example, if you believe you aren't fascinating enough for people to want to hang out with, counter that belief by reminding yourself of your positive traits.

It's also vital to remind yourself that everyone gets scared from time to time, and that making mistakes is a normal aspect of social contact. Don't worry about the guilt of not going out more often. It's unnecessary weight to carry.

Do what you can; forgive what you can't do.

#5 You constantly feel scared of saying something wrong or stupid.

For people who suffer from anxiety, the worry of being judged or criticized may be debilitating. We are social animals and derive our worth from one of two places or a combination of both. The first is from othersโ€”what they think of you. The second is from within yourself, disregarding what others think.

Monica from the TV program "Friends" is a funny example. Monica is renowned for being a perfectionist who is constantly attempting to satisfy people, often to the point of worry. Monica is ready to deliver a speech at a friend's wedding and becomes so concerned about saying the incorrect thing that she draws up a complete script and practices it over and over. When it comes time to offer the toast, though, she inadvertently drops her cue cards and is forced to improvise. Despite her reservations, her impromptu speech is warmly received and even receives a standing ovation.

This example demonstrates that even when we plan meticulously, things don't always go as intended, and that's good. It's critical to remember to be kind with ourselves and not allow our worries prevent us from speaking our opinions.

#6 You always compare yourself with others.

Have you ever been going through Instagram and suddenly feeling bad about your own life since everyone else seemed to be having the time of their lives? Social media is a fertile ground for comparison and feelings of inadequacy.

๐Ÿฅ‘ Seeing someone share a snapshot of their flawlessly arranged avocado toast and feeling that your cereal breakfast is no longer enough.

๐Ÿ–๏ธ Scrolling through photos of former high school friends and feeling unimportant in compared to their glittering job titles and exotic vacations.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Feeling jealous of your friend's supposedly great relationship based on the lovey-dovey photographs they share without recognizing that those photos may only reflect a small portion of their reality.

Social media is only a highlight reel and does not depict someone's complete life. People only share their greatest moments and achievements on social media, and it's important to remember that everyone has issues and obstacles they don't share.

Celebrate your own distinct characteristics and strengths. You are following your own path, which is something to be proud of.

#7 You get nervous when you think about the future.

When you think about the future, it's normal to feel nervous because there's so much you don't know. But there are things you can do to help you feel less worried.

Try to keep your mind on what you can do right now instead of thinking about what you can't do. This could mean making plans for the future, but also being open to change and openness.

Let's say you're a college student who's anxious about the future. You're worried about whether you'll find a good job after graduation and how you'll manage to pay off your student loans. To combat this anxiety, you could start by creating a realistic plan for your future. This plan might include things like networking with alumni and professionals in your field, researching job opportunities, and setting realistic financial goals.

Take things one step at a time and remember that it's okay to not know everything.

#9 You blame yourself when others don't reply to your messages.

When someone does not respond to our texts, it is easy to blame ourselves. We begin to question whether we said anything wrong, if we aren't intriguing enough, or if we are simply unimportant to the other person. These ideas have the potential to swiftly spin out of control, leading to emotions of self-doubt and worry.

  • "Did I say something wrong?"
  • "They must have lost their phone...or their thumbs."
  • "Maybe they're trying to come up with the perfect reply and it's taking them this long."
  • "Maybe they're mad at me."

Keep in mind that other individuals have their own lives and concerns. They might be busy or working through something personal. Not everything is about us.

#10 Most of the time, you feel mentally and physically ill.

Living with constant physical and mental signs of worry can be tiring and overwhelming. But you can take steps to deal with your problems and improve your health as a whole.

๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿฅฆ ๐Ÿ’ค First, it's important to put yourself first. Exercise often, eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, and get enough sleep. These ways of taking care of yourself can help ease physical signs like headaches, stomachaches, and tiredness.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿฉบ Also, you might want to talk to a professional in mental health or your doctor about treatment choices. Medication and treatment can help reduce the signs of worry and improve mental health as a whole.

Remember that your physical and mental health are important and that it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

#11 You find it difficult to forgive yourself for mistakes you make at work or as a parent.

Get out of your own way and stop trying to be flawless all the time. Keep in mind that making blunders is an integral part of developing expertise. Don't wallow in your failures; rather, think on how you may grow from them. Regardless of how insignificant they may appear, you should be proud of your growth and successes. Feeling good about yourself is your right, and with some self-love and forgiveness, you can move on from the past and into a better future.

Thank you for reading!

Remember, anxiety is a common struggle, and you're not alone. If any of these behaviors or thoughts resonate with you, know that there are ways to manage and overcome them. Don't hesitate to reach out for help or support, whether it's from a friend, a therapist, or a support group.

Let's continue the conversation in the comments section - feel free to share your own experiences or tips for managing anxiety. And don't forget to share this post with someone who might need to hear it. Together, we can work towards a happier, healthier, and more anxiety-free life.